As a newcomer to the world of web logging (aside from a fairly abysmal and now defunct LiveJournal) i'm still adapting to the peculiarities of the medium, specifically Blogspot.
One thing i've noticed is, paging through various blogs using the 'next blog' tool, all the sites i've found so far have started very recently, as in, start of this year. and, oddly, the greater majority have been in a different language (though trying to puzzle out
what some of them are saying is kinda fun.)
Perhaps this is an algorithm used to make sure all the unviewed blogs get their day in the sun? who knows.
(no, seriously guys, tell me!) my favorite from this trawl is
TypeFaceBook, which shows a lot of promise.
Now, enough text! today's art, in keeping with the black and white girl's photo theme, is of maggie, a lovely girl who can sing
beautiful jazz and works as a trainer for the mentally or otherwise disabled in various employment initiatives.

she is looking quite rasta.